
Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekend Favorites

- Driving to Caledonia, Ms. with Jay to go to the Country Pumpkin Patch Saturday after getting off work -  
- At the Country Pumpkin there was a lot more than just pumpkins but more on that this week. There was a corn maze there so of course Jay and I had to try it out! -

- After we got back we went to the MSU Homecoming game with a few friends -

- Enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee on a pleasant Sunday morning -
- Sunday ended with Jay and I doing our annual pumpkin carving. I am successfully crossing things off my fall to do list (shown here)-


-I apologize for last week. It got very busy for me. Don't worry I promise to be here all week! -
Lots of Love,  Natalie

1 comment:

  1. Your pumpkins look so good! I hope Mike and I can make a trip down to the pumpkin patch this weekend!
