
Monday, August 19, 2013

College: Back to School

I cannot believe that I will be starting my senior year of college today. Where have to past three years gone? I am  ready for it but at the same time it is bittersweet knowing that it is almost over. Since, it is August that means back to school shopping well don't worry I made you an easy list of essentials you will want for this school year. This list is only missing one more major thing that I need, scrubs. I start my internship tomorrow at a Physical Therapy Clinic here in the Starkville area. If you are going back to school I hope that you have a wonderful year!
1. C. Wonder  /  2. Kate Spade  /  3. Design Darling  /  4. Kate Spade  / 5. Bed, Bath, and Beyond  / 6. Hunter  /  7. Kate Spade  /  8. Ray-Ban
Lots of Love,  Natalie

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