
Friday, May 17, 2013

Weekly Five

 I really enjoyed Napa Valley and the Wine Train through it. It was the prefect weather and the vineyards could not have been more gorgeous! Castello di Amorosa was a great winery to visit and especially because they just started tours of it three weeks ago. Of course everyone said that after going to Castello di Amorosa the other just will not compare. I would love to go back one day and visit other wineries around Napa.

I swear all we did this whole trip was eat amazing food. I am one who tries to eat healthy but there was no way to resist all the food on this trip. Plus it was a vacation so why not indulge. We had Ghiradelli chocolate, ice cream, Gelato, cookies, pizza, pasta, crab, wine, and sushi. Jay's family are serious foodies so we really do eat a lot of food when we travel. Now that I am back it is time to get back to healthy eating. Be sure to check back in next week because there will be a post of places we ate while there.
 I know I went to the Palace of Fine Arts when I was little but it really was a lot bigger and more beautiful then I remembered. The grounds around it are wonderfully landscaped making the architecture of the Palace even more breathtaking. I could spend all day in the park looking at it.

 As you know I love to shop but then again what girl doesn't. I love finding little boutiques because they are just so quaint and pretty. I found a few good ones in Ghiradelli Square. The one pictured above is Elizabeth W where I would some amazing scented lotion. I bought one tube of their 7% Shea Butter Hand Cream in the Vetiver scent but the best part is they have a website so I can always order more! Website: Elizabeth W

My goal for the wine tasting was to try and find one red wine that I liked but I had no luck so I guess I really do not like red wine. I like my wine sweet so I am a Reisling kind of girl. I was happy to find a Pinot Grigio that Jay and I both loved, the only downside is that you cannot buy this at any retailer only directly from them. We only bought one bottle to drink for the rest of the trip and wish we would have bought more but getting it home would have been a problem. If you have a favorite Pinot Grigio, Riesling, or a sweet Red Wine let me know! Have a great weekend!
Lots of Love,  Natalie

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