
Monday, September 10, 2012

Week/Weekend Favorites

1.    This week started off great by having Monday off from school for Memorial Day. It was a nice relaxing day. I hope everyone enjoyed there Memorial Day!

2.    Planting Mums in preparation for Fall! As many of you may know Fall is my favorite season. I love the cooler weather.

3.    Getting to go eat with my mother and grandmother that came up for the day just to visit!

4.    Baking these wonderful “Boyfriend” cookies for my sweet house guest who was staying for the MSU game. Being a Southern girl I feel like you should always have something baked when you have a house guest. I am so glad that she loved them! If you are wanting this recipe be sure to check in tomorrow for it!

5.    A sweet text message from my house guest! It makes me so happy that she loved my place and had a good restful night.

6.    Saturday started off to a great start with the MSU 28-10 win over Auburn! GO DAWGS!

7.    The weather was amazing for tailgating after the BIG win!

8.    Saturday was a great day overall because it ended with Jay and I getting to go out and spend time with this amazing couple! This couple is Jay’s older sister and her husband they really are so sweet and great people to be around! I really do love them like family!

9.    Sunday was the first Saints game of season and even though they lost to the Washington Redskins I don’t care because I still believe in my team! WHO DAT BABY!


Lots of Love,  Natalie

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