
Friday, June 29, 2012

Important People

Since my life is all about having fun and being with friends I feel like I should introduce the main people in my life because I know they will all be mentioned throughout my blog! So here they are: First up is Jay the boyfriend!

We have almost been together now for two years. We both attended the same school pre-k thru 12th grade and never even thought about dating. then we both got up to MSU and starting dating on October 4, 2010 (our freshman year). He is crazy and very outgoing. Two things I am not. But the best thing about him is that he makes me try things I never would have thought of doing! Next up is Taybel



Okay I know what your thinking Taybel, what kind of weird southern name is that? It’s not, southerners aren’t that crazy well most of us aren’t at least. Anyway Taybel is Taylor and Anabel. My two best friends! Taylor is a crazy fun girl! We met during our freshman year at MSU and have been friends ever since! Now Anabel, wow this girl I have known since I was a little kid but we didn’t really start hanging out again until 10th grade. Now we are always talking or hanging out! By the way she has a blog ( too and is an amazing artist, who is doing some paintings for me to go in my newly updated room. pictures of those later of course! Last is the family:
Alex & riette 

Mozart now and as a puppy
I love both of my parents very much but I mean what southern girl doesn’t love her parents! My mom and I have gotten pretty close now that I’m older. I love that we are because we can talk about a lot of things! My dad is a great man and I wouldn’t change anything about the way that he raised me. Thanks to him I am a very independent and hardworking person. My older brother is Alex and he is married to Riette. If her name seems a little different that is because she is from South Africa. Alex is amazing he can fix anything! I mean it ANYTHING. Bryan is my younger brother. While he does get on my nerves a lot I really do love him! Lastly is my baby! MOZART! He is a lab/pitbull mix. I know you are thinking pitbull but he really is the sweetest thing! I love him so much!

Lots of Love, Natalie


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