
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Workout Wednesday

Here are my top 3 tips to live by when it comes to working out in the morning:
1. Prepare the Night Before
This is very important because it makes it simple to get up and go. I do this by packing my gym bag, filling my water bottle, setting my alarm, and laying out my clothes. I also try to make sure that anything I may need to grab like a ponytail holder or clips for my hair are easy to find. Pretty much make everything as effortless as possible.
2. Go to Bed Early
Make sure to head to bed early so you are not to tired for your early wake up call. Try to power down any electronics an hour before bed. Also, do not drink caffeine or alcohol with dinner because it can mess with the amount of sleep you get.When that alarm sounds get up and go!
3. Enjoy the Workout
It makes it much easier when you actually enjoy the workout you are going to be doing. If you somewhat enjoy it then it makes it much easier to wake up and do it. Also, before bed make sure you know what workout you will be doing and how long it will take.
Happy Workout Wednesday!
Lots of Love,  Natalie

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