
Friday, April 12, 2013

Week/Weekend Favorites

I have enjoyed seeing these Dandelions after class and work everyday this week. They bring some much life into my home and a smile to my face. Their yellow color is so vibrant that it is hard not to love them. They were extra enjoyable yesterday since it was a gloomy rainy day.
Since, I had some lean ground turkey meat in my fridge I decided would be perfect for these Skinnytaste Stuffed Bell Peppers. While I had made before I decided it was time to make them again. Also, the best part is you can even make them in a Crock-Pot to make them even easier. If you are interested in the recipe it can be found here. I like to add yellow corn and black beans. Also it is just as yummy without the rice.
As you read yesterday we adopted this sweet three year old Shih Tzu that we named Benji for my grandmother. I am so happy for this cute addition to the family. They are getting along great, I believe they will be perfect together.
 For those of you that do not already know I LOVE candles. I really am happy with a simple amazing smelling candle. They just make the house so warm and cozy feeling. There is a store here in Starkville called Aspen Bay. They have the best candles and even a warehouse here. Once a year they have a tent sale which is absolutely amazing! There candles are usually around $30 each but at the tent sale they are all $6-$8. How could a girl pass up that great sale!
I will be heading home today for the weekend. I will get to enjoy spending time with my parents and of course my precious dog Mozart! I am anticipating lovely warm weather, hopefully I will get to lay out and enjoy it. It will also be nice to have the weekend off from work! See you Monday now time to relax!
Lots of Love,  Natalie

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