
Monday, January 7, 2013

Timing is Everything

This past weekend must have been all about trying to make me feel like I am getting old. It all started when I got a letter in the mail summoning me for Jury Duty. The only people I ever knew of that had Jury Duty were my teachers in high school and now I have been summoned. Then, came applying for credit cards. I have been thinking I needed to start building my own credit since I have two jobs and a steady income but I have to admit it was a little scary hearing my dad say "that he was thinking the same thing". Lastly, the weekend ended with me booking and planning the trip to Atlanta that Jay and I will be taking later this month. Well, I have to admit I am a little shocked but I am glad it is all slowly happening and not just being throw on me all at once. Which made me think about the quote above by Albert Einstein and how it could not be more true. I hope this quote will help you appreciate the timing of everything in life. Happy Monday!

Lots of Love,  Natalie

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