
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blooming with Joy!

 Let me start by saying I am not really sure why as women we always say we don’t like flowers when guys ask. I can remember doing this a few years ago. But the truth is I REALLY do like, actually even love flowers. I mean what is not to love? Having that little pop of life in my house makes me so happy! My favorite type of flowers is Peonies but they are pretty hard to find. There is just something about those big buttery petals and all the different shades that make me completely swoon.
But, since Peonies are hard to find I turn to Roses instead. When I am more of an adult I will make sure to always have at least one bouquet in my house at all times but right now I am a girl on a College Budget so flowers in my house is something that only happens a few times a year. On that note Jay take note of this and all other boys if a girl says she doesn’t like flowers she is lying to you. I wish I could explain why we do this but there really is no explanation, pretty much just like everything else we do. Sorry boys we are complicated but it makes life interesting. So boys if you want to make a girl bloom with joy just give her some flowers! See you tomorrow and get ready for some Maroon and White!!
Lots of Love,  Natalie

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